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Membership in Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated has outstanding benefits and rewards.   In addition to helping women build strong, supportive friendships to last a lifetime, sorority membership provides excellent opportunities for continued personal growth and community service involvement.  Our members are all strong, professional women who are dedicated to community service, scholarship, and sisterhood.  The ideal candidate is a woman who holds high moral standards for herself, has high scholastic ability, a well-rounded personality, and a proven interest in community service.

     Interest in Alumnae Membership​
We offer membership on the graduate level to women who have acquired a bachelors' degree from an accredited four-year institution.  We invite you to join us at our community service events and social programs to learn more about Sigma Gamma Rho.  We also welcome you to meet with chapter members or email


    Transferring & Returning Sorors​

​For transferring and returning Sorors, we welcome you to join us at our events, community service projects, and social activities.  We would be delighted to have you reinstate with Sigma and join our alumnae chapter!  For more information about joining Kappa Tau Sigma Alumnae Chapter, please email


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